Mugwort Spagyric Tincture

Mugwort Spagyric Tincture



Spagyric Tincture medicine is an ancient form of botanical medicine. More than just a tincture, a spagyric is the art of separation, purification, and recombination, in which the spirit (alcohol), soul (essential oils, volatiles), and body (alkaline salts) are extracted, refined, and sealed with the planets planetary signature using astrological timing techniques. Our spagyric tinctures offer a more energetically complete herb or plant extraction. The spagyric technique is part of the ancient Ancient Egyptian method of extraction.

Why choose spagyrics over other herbal preparations? There are many ways to prepare a herb or plant to receive its medicinal benefits, however spagyrics are unique in the way they make the whole plant available - the 'tria prima' (sulfur [essential oil/soul], mercury [alcohol/spirit], and salt [minerals salts/body]) are preserved in perfect balance in the final product. Advanced laboratory processes are utilized to preserve delicate phytochemicals and enzymes. Energetic signatures and balanced ratios of essential elements are present, resulting in a gentle and natural product containing both the physical structure of the plant and its enhanced energetic healing properties.

An evolutionary synthesis of nature and science, spagyrics are alchemically crafted to contain all of the essential medicinal elements of the plant, in perfect balance and harmony just as nature intended. Read more about Spagyrics: here

Mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris)

Elemental qualities: cold and dry (🜃)

Ruling Planet: Venus and Moon ♀

Plant Properties: emmenagogic, diuretic, diaphoretic, nerving, stimulant and tonic properties.

Uses: the “dream weaver” plant, used to help insomnia and to enhance dreams. Relaxes the nerve, for anxiety. Improves digestion. Encourages menstruation, relieves menstrual cramping and said to aid endometritis and POCS. Increases circulation and nutrition in the nerves and muscles. Anti oxidant. Anti-parasitic. Lowers blood pressure. 

Our spagyrics and tinctures are all made containing distillates (alcohol) made by us in our copper still! The plant matter is then soaked in alcohol for at least 6-10weeks. This spagyric has been macerating for over 12 months.

The ABV % (Alcohol By Volume) is about 65% alcohol, making it super potent! So diluting each dosage into water or juice is essential!

Dosage: will be different for every person. Depending on age, ailment needing healing, body constitute, reason for taking this medicine ect ect. Email me or seek advise for your local naturopath/Dr. I often personally will recommend a micro dose, several times a day. 2-10 drops with beverage of your choosing.

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